Hello there! I hope you are enjoying (Yes, I actually believe it is possible) this last
weeks of the Master. Trust me, one day you will look back and think those were
the good old days. But since we are living now, I am guessing nostalgia has not really
kicked in just yet…
Either way, on the 'News Corner' I am happy to announce that one group
paper and one presentation has gone by, and even though there are some
adjustments to be done, we can say we are almost done. Next week we hand in
another draft for our second subject, and really the anxiety is in the air, as
many of us are thinking when exactly am I going to write my thesis? Should I
wait to the semester is over? Past the exams? Could I do it in a month? Who am
After having my first peer group meeting I have come to one
conclusion: We are all in this together, and we are all fighting little battle. Each have a different style and
approach to their topics, so, this is why I have elaborated some ‘characters’ in my mind
that portray the different stages and situations in which students may be going
through. Personally, I suffer what I like to call ‘Alexander the Great problem’: I have a
good idea, but it can become too broad, and if I am not careful I could even become queen of Persia, Babylon and Asia. There are also Bohr and Rutherford problems: Maybe you have a very specific
topic, (perhaps you want to provide a different interpretation or
definition) When this happens, working with details can be exhausting and confusing,
so why don’t you step a few steps back when you feel lost? Sometimes getting
the whole picture can help finding your way.

All you need is a thesis, and pass your exams. Sun is shining. This small grain of sand in the universe will say good bye (for now).
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